My Shopping List

My husband told me he was going shopping to our departmental store and asked me what I would like and this is what I said,

1. A bag of humility

2. A fresh carton of tenderness

3. A bunch of sweetness

4. A big bag of understanding the word of God

5. A bottle of joy that bubbles over as we shake it

6. A fresh packet of thankfulness

7. A bar of gentleness

8. A yard ofpeace

9. A carton of faith

10. A blanket of love

11. A dozen prayers for loved ones and friends

12. A camping tent of laughter

13. A baseball bat of fun

14. A piano of practice

15. Two shirts of praise

A house of prayer and before you go darling give me a kiss of commitment.

Is God’s Calling Like Tennis?

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

God Almighty is Omniscient all knowing, Omnipotent all powerful, Omnipresent present everywhere.

What I am trying to say could be a bit controversial but I am going to say it anyway. Omniscient God knows who will accept Him and who will reject Him and our Omnipotent God speaks to individuals in very many ways.To give them an opportunity to accept Him as Savior of their lives but it is up to the individual to either accept Him or reject Him.

God never gives up on those who reject His call.Like a tennis ball God keeps hitting the next player with opportunities to accept Him and it is up to the player to accept God and serve God with prayer or he can just let the ball go out of bounds and reject God.

So you learn two things through this illustration accept Jesus when He speaks to you and the second is very important I know nothing about tennis but it was a good illustration anyway.

John3:16 says For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.

God wants none to perish and all in heaven.Like Reinhard Bonnke says” Plunder hell and populate Heaven”

It is up to us to make a decision to where we want to spend everlasting life. Never underestimate God’s power and authority. If we are stubbern in our old sinful ways there is nothing God can do.

So give God a chance to change your life around and watch Him transform you and make you  a new and righteous individual.

Lets pray

Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in the name of your son Jesus please come into my heart, change me, mold me and make me the individual you want me to be. Please do forgive me of my sins and help me to forgive those who have sinned against me.I accept your call in my life. Thank you for choosing me before the foundation of the world. I love you and honor you as Lord and Savior of my life. In the name of your precious son Jesus I pray.


Speak Lord Your Servant is listening

I was angry that I was not what you call “one of the most successful” people in the world.

I had not won a noble prize, I did not have tons of money, I was not one of the most bold and beautiful people in the world, I did not have very many friends and I well I was just me.

Me who was misunderstood, me with a history of depression and me trying my hardest to be loved and accepted by society.

So I went up to God in my prayer time and asked Him the Almighty why is it that I am misunderstood, why is it I do not have very many friends, why is it I have to strive so hard to let people love me? The Almighty answered when I was in the world dear one no one appreciated me, no one gave me a private jet to fly about and do miracles in. The teachers of the law wanted to have nothing to do with me, I was misunderstood I was beaten I was forsaken yet I did it for you so that one day you will understand what it is like to be my disciple.

Do not strive so hard to be accepted by society and let it not pressure you that people don’t understand you,Strive for my presence to shine in you and through you so that by your actions and your words you do not look for man’s glory but my glory manifested in you to bring many to my Kingdom.

Be a channel of peace, be an instrument of love, be an instrument of love and blessing to the people and the world around and daughter remember do not hold a grudge wear forgiveness like a garland around your neck then you will be all that I want you to be.

Speak Lord your servant is listening.

On Being Black

On Being Black

A little boy sitting all alone, no one to play with

Children running around him, few stop to call him names

Others just ignore him

Bewildered, this little boy looks at his hands

They are as dark as the earth around him

He looks at the children who are playing

It is then that it dawns, he is a different colour

He goes home and says

No one to play with, no one cares for me at school

People call me black and a fool

Why is it Mummy? Have I done something wrong ?

Or is it because I am black ?

A little girl smiled at me yesterday

I gave her a pretty flower

She said ‘Thank you’ as she looked up

Her mother dragged her away and told her not to talk to me

Mummy, is it because I am black?

I went walking home the other day

And there a group of boys punched me

Beat me and called me names

Then they stabbed me, I remembered no more

God, is it because I am black?

I walked through the pearly gates

Angry with God for making me black

Black as the soil of the earth

Curious to see this God who made people black and white

I looked into his eyes filled with pain, anger and grief

God, why did you make me black ?

He looked into my eyes

Tears rolling down his cheeks as he hugged me

Knowing now He felt the pain that I felt

He looked at me again

Holding my shoulders he said

“Son, I too was black”.

Why I feel called to serve God

I want to be a servant of God,

You may ask me why,

That is between God and me and nothing can destroy,

The love of God for me.

He saved me from the pangs of death when I was about to die,

For He has a purpose and this purpose is I

I wrote this poem on August  1989 when I was 10 years old.

My father Rev Rajkumar Sathyaraj in 1989 was the spritual co-ordinator to about 2000 students in an engineering college called Karunya in Coimbatore India. This college was started by one of the greatest evangelists that India had ever known  Late Bro D. G. S. Dhinakaran. This college was situated in a beautiful country side surrounded by mountains and lovely green fields.

Dad usually spoke at the Sunday evening service. That remarkable and special sunday in August my dad urged the young people to give their lives in serving the Almighty to go out to the communities, to their cities, to the mission field and as many teary eyed young people re- dedicated their lives in serving God I was one of them. From that moment on the passion to serve God grew in my heart.

As I grew up I got involved in serving God at the Sunday school of our church called St Mark’s Cathedral in Bangalore India, I also got very involved in Campus Crusade for Christ in Bangalore India and I went about to little huts trying to explain the four spiritual laws to the people living in these huts  in my broken tamil always fitting in an English word now and again to the words that slipped my mind in my language.But God was merciful and many people asked me to pray for them so in my broken Tamil with English rushing to my rescue to words that evaded my bilingual mind.They understood my prayer and I had to hope that God touched their heart.

God brought me through failure in my final exam in school when I failed by 5 marks in mathematics they sent my paper for re-evaluation but it did not work I got A’s in English, Home science  and History but because of this failure in maths I had to redo my exams it was a terribly humiliating process but I spent more and more time at the feet of Jesus and sometimes I would be be awake almost the whole night talking to Jesus I had a prayer mat as big as a carpet in my room and I had two pillows I gave Jesus the better pillow to rest on and I would kneel on the not so soft pillow and just talk as I would talk to my best friend and confidate.And I would hear God speaking to my heart or being urged to read a particular verse in scripture.I eventually passed and moved on to university and then to Sweden.

In Sweden I joined the street mission and sang on the streets alone with my British friend Natile Chen and I aslo devoleped a  few fans during my street mission and was able to minister to a lot of people on the streets in the cold swedish climate. I remember one time singing in the street and this couple was kissing right in front of me I guess they liked my music 🙂 but it was difficult to sing with a straight face.

So I still feel called to serve God and He knows the future and the commitment I made at 10 years of age 20 years ago has not gone waste. God still remembers me and I know that He the Mighty God will open the right doors at the right time.

Romans 8 :28 says For we know that all things work togather for good to them that love God to them that are called according to His purpose.

A lot of bad too had happened in my life like my depression that struck me out of the blue but you know what God has been faithful and helped me through it and has healed me and still is healing me of the residue of the roots of this sickness.

Jer 29 :11 For I know the plans I have for you plans for good and not for evil plans to give you a future and a hope.

God has a plan , a purpose, and a call in every believer’s life it is up to us to either accept his call or reject it.

I urge you accept His call and watch Him use you and bless you for the extension of His Kingdom on earth.
