No Fear In Love


“A party without cake is just a meeting”

Julia Child

Dear Friends, Theologians, and munchkins lend me some of your time, today I have come to the conclusion that a piece of cake with a cuppa as they call it in the land down there I mean Australia, cake and cuppa go hand in hand, such as goodness and mercy, such as love and friendship, such as black and white.

My dearest friends, munchkins, this year I had one motive that is to conquer the art of baking, in India where I was born baking was not that popular but as you know spices, curries, breads such as nan, chapattis and dosai’s made from rice flour go a long way to many hundreds of years.

But now coming back to baking cakes I had a fear that my cakes may not be great and that fear worked on my baking but as a wonderful Christian friend and sister in Christ in Church had a class on baking cup cakes my fear seemed to have subsided and my daughter and I had great fun baking cup cakes I know they are not the best cup cakes but my daughter and I had fun making icing and sprinkles

What I learnt was we have to face our fears sometimes when we fear the worst the worst usually happens, but when we change fear to love and positive energies God steps in takes away our fear and changes bad circumstance to the best, why because we did not let fear govern our lives

My grandmother told me something the other day she said ”My father feared getting a bad name that he never enjoyed life” How true is that we fear what Mr and Mrs Jones next door will talk about, or fear our parents or even fear God that life can not be enjoyed as long as we are true to ourselves and true to GOD who has given us life, health and strength why have fear, even the bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind.

You do not need to walk on eggshells walk on the carpet put for your life, it may not be a red carpet but a simple rug but man what a rug if you have a wonderful hug from someone who loves you and is there for you, sometimes that someone may be your child, your spouse or even God just reading his word listening to music and talking to HIM can take away your fears, today my friends overcome fear or fear will overcome you.

Tell yourself I will not be afraid, my God is with me and there is no fear in love, perfect love takes away fear,

Let love rule your hearts, takeaway hate and fear and you will have love

Lots of love

Indian AuntyPhoto on 23-01-2015 at 15.40 #5


Unknown Forgiveness Why should we forgive those who hurt us, mistreated us, angered us, mocked us, Why should we forgive, shouldn’t we hurt, them ask God to put them in hell, Dear ones No, forgive them, love them, pray for them and let the hurt they brought on you disappear through forgiveness, When Jesus was mocked, hurt, beaten, spat upon, shouldn’t he have asked the Father God for vengeance and hell and blood on those who ill treated him, No he said “ Father forgive them for they know not what they do” People are people and people have choice, today please make the choice to forgive, weather, it is anger, jealousies or hatred forgive them, How many times as many times as they ill-treat you or anger you, do not secretly wish for evil over them or there families we do not know why they are as they are, maybe they did not have love as children, maybe no one hugged them and said I love you, maybe there parents had alcohol problems, love them love them, How many times do we forgive ,when one sees a river and a stone in the river as long as the water flows over the river and over the stone smoothing of the rough edges forgive them, forgiveness takes away the rough pain, the rough anger and sets you free in heart, mind and spirit, there was a time I was a rough rock with unforgiveness but as the word of the Lord washed away the anger, hatred and bitterness I felt a peace inside my heart and soul yes I had to forgive and in forgiveness there was peace and there was liberty in my heart mind and soul and with forgiveness comes love, love for those who hurt us, reviled us and mocked us, the bible says “ faith, hope and love the greatest of these is love Love and forgiveness go hand in hand, come hold the hand of forgiveness yes but only if there is love, and let us walk the road of grace and liberty, God Bless YouUnknown

Theology With A Piece Of Cake

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  • My dearest friends I would like to wish each and everyone of my readers Happy New Year, This year I decided one of my New Year resolutions was to bake more as I love cooking, I decided to learn to bake like an Indo-British lady. This is my first cake for the year, it still needs a more professional look but thank God my family liked it.
  • In Genesis when Lord God created the earth, flora and fauna he took a break on the Sabbath day, I wonder and hypothetically speaking if God went for a walk had a black coffee and some fruit, sitting on a rock sipping his coffee and thinking about not just about creation but eschatologically looking into the future, we all know God is omnipotent and all powerful, omniscient and all knowing and omnipresent and present everywhere,
  • Did the lord God weigh the pros and cons of creating mankind, when we bake cake we weigh the eggs, flour, butter and sugar, was creating the earth like baking a cake, the colours of the earth, trees and also seas, did he imagine the end product with his fingers crossed and eyes shut praying let it all go well yet in the future he saw the most perfect world, but the process of that perfect world was time, as mankind was going through the baking process and still we are in God’s celestial oven, when the perfect Lord God Jesus comes again this imperfect world will disappear the perfect will appear, we are going for a universal celestial ride before we enter the perfect world the Lord God has prepared for imperfect people like you and me, when the time comes this new world will be way past our imagination, when I baked this cake there was shifting of flour, weighing the ingredients and when the cake came out of the oven it was still not finished, it still needed the icing of imagination and tender loving care that only the lord God can give us, there will be no more sorrow or crying in the new world as we await this new life let us just be like a yellow sunflower basking in the sunshine of God’s word and presence with a piece of cake and coffee, or whatever you like to eat not just the word of God to nourish our spirit man but also food to nourish our physical bodies.
  • God Bless
  • From just a housewife

This New Year Prayer


To love unconditionally

To laugh uncontrollably

To live simply

To breath naturally

To be who you are made to be

To worship spiritually

To give thanks for all the above

Lord this new year let me shine as a light

To bring you joy and delight

Let your love in me all negativity fight

My Lord to you I give this new year

Take away all fear

In you and for you

Make my mission clear

Thank you for wiping away every tear

You are my maker

The potter who moulds me with every prayer

This year to you make me near

Thank you my precious Lord and Saviour Amen