A Different View To Weightloss

Hi there dear darlings, fellow dieters, and lovely friends. This Week has had it’s good points and some bad points as well. The good points being I am now 71kgs and bad points I have had a bad flu and sore throat. But darlings look on the brighter side, if you are sick today, but I believe I will be well tomorrow, you may say don’t make such assumptions aunty,


Let me tell you a little secret when I was 4 years old I got severe allergic bronchitis asthma, it was that bad the Doctor’s told my parents I will die but God by His grace and favour saved me and healed me.


 When I was older in my twenty’s I got depression, my life had crumbled the dreams of getting married or even having a job seemed impossible but let me tell you darling my Lord God in his favour and mercy let me get a great job or a few jobs, then when I was ready for marriage God brought my husband in my late twenty’s into my life and even though he knew about my depression This man of God accepted to marry me. Now that is what our Lord God does for His children.


I am now healed and well, cook, clean , do the laundry, dance ( when no ones watching) sing my heart out when my daughter goes to school and write when my daughter goes to bed, this is where my awesome Lord has kept me for this moment in time, Christmas is coming planning outfits for my daughter and planning Christmas presents for the family is exciting.


I thank God for what I have and I also thank my Lord for helping me lose weight, I am just a quiet ( most of the time) ordinary housewife placed in this great cosmic universe on planet earth, in  the country  of United Kingdom in Northern Ireland in County Armagh In city Lurgan, I am just a teeny weeny speck on the map, yes I do like cooking, singing and writing but above all I am thankful To the Lord God Almighty for giving me the privilege of knowing Him and giving me a wonderful family, all I can say is Thank you Lord if you can use nothing to write something, you can use me. “ Here Am I Lord Send Me “( The Bible)Image

My Weight loss Journey

Hi there dear friends, it is me the Indian Aunty again on a Mission, you may ask me what mission aunty, the mission my dear munchkins is to be a size 10 again about 50- 55 kgs by Christmas day.


This is the best gift I can give myself, I have a personal trainer and my husband who has lost a lot of weight is also encouraging me on this weightloss journey.

I am now 73kgs and I love cooking and when you love cooking it is easy to indulge in the labours of your hard work in the kitchen.


But the time has come to become that coveted yummy mummy, as I go to leave my daughter in school I see other mums with more children looking like Victoria Secret Models, I label it to good genes but darlings it is more self discipline.


I ask why God why do I have to be on the rounder side ? He the Almighty answers in a deep base voice “darling how many times did you go around the kitchen and open the fridge door and how many comfort foods of tea and toast with marmalade have you had? why child why ? Now child practise discipline “


To tell you the truth munchkins I do not like exercise but my trainer does not push me above the limit. My husband and I when we work out together at the gym has started me on lifting weights but we women have to suffer for beauty be it braces for my teeth as I had in my teenage years, to high heel shoes and now the gym, I would have loved to get a tummy tuck and liposuction but  as a struggling musician and author that can only be a dream.


I am not proud of my 73kg weight nor my size 14 clothes, but through hard work, determination and dedication this can be achieved. I have my personal trainer for 8 weeks and  I hope to at least drop two dress sizes by then. My Birthday is coming up on November so hopefully I will be a size12 by then.


Why is there so much hype on money, looks, cars and homes, that is the way the world measures success but I believe to be a successful individual you must have peace of mind, self discipline, love and security.


“You have to make you proud “and making you proud of who you are and what you have achieved you hence become a strong individual, no one can walk on this road called life for you, you have made a choices some right, some wrong but you have to live with the choices you have made. It is never too late, there is hope,  pray you make the right choices.


I may not have much materially but I have a wonderful husband and a gorgeous daughter and all the choices I make revolves around them, So make the right choice get on that treadmill “you be proud of you” and being comfortable with who you are, you send positivity to people around you. You are beautiful, You are precious, God has a wonderful plan for your life

 Love From The

 from Gymming Aunty Imageinspia

The Wizard Of War And Lust and The Wizard Of Peace and Love

ImageDear young ones, yes I am talking to the teenage strata of Society the confused batch wondering “am I a girl or woman” and you heavy metal gothic fans wondering what the heck? ”you talking to me can’t you see that I am busy chewing gum and listening to M&M”, and you girls out there dying your hair bright red, with matching lipstick and short shorts as the shorts can’t get any shorter and showing of your flat tummy that any middle aged lady would pay a fortune for, yes you my confused, gorgeous, intellectual, young ones this story is for you,

Here it goes,

When the world was a mass and void of life and any form of flora and fauna there was a wonderful awesome being that ruled the planets, the universes, stars and sky and that wonderful being , being imaginative, creative, awe inspiring, miracle working, unattainable yet sustainable being ruled the worlds and he made the Good, after he made the  Good he took a rest “like some of you young ones do locked up in your rooms for hours telling your folks you are doing your  home work while you are actually on the phone talking about who you want to take to the prom, or on your x-box, or trying out the new hairdo or make up you checked out on you tube”.

When this great awesome being finished creating the good, he created the awesome spiritual beings called angels. These angels were created to unconditionally obey, love and reverence this creator of good, then this creator of good evolved life forms, animals on land, birds on trees and fish in water and yes he made some master pieces. Of these animal and Mammalia life forms, but then this creator of Good performed the most astonishing beautiful life forms called “man and woman” they were exquisitely beautiful and intelligent like many of you young ones though all your folks here is “duh, yeah and cool and just chillin”.

Then this awesome Being decided to create magic as he knew if he did not create magic, the angels would so then the birth of the wizards were fore knowledgeably appointed. The Wizards were created with every knowledge of magic, reading the signs of stars, of angels.  Worse still the one who led to the downfall of good making it bad as well.

” Oh sorry young ones did I not tell you about him, the chief gorgeous celestial, terrestrial being who wanted to be the Ultimo Supremo Being above the creator of good well he was sent packing to earth but he did not rest he waged war and havoc and enticed the wizard of magic by promising more power and glory if only this wizard would obey him in everything . Yes darlings you know man is gullible” just like your mums and dads as you tell them you are going over to a friend’s which is partially  true but actually you are going to party, and I say be true to your heart if something does not seem right do not try it be it alcohol, drugs or sex, wait be patient and listen a time for sex will come make it special”.

This gullible wizard hence chose the bad, dark , path, of lust and war all he wanted was to rule the world and serve this magnificent evil supreme being that promised him power that led to death of mankind but rise of evil and darkness. Soon this world of good well was not good anymore with blood shed, war and havoc but then this supreme being creator of good chose a just magician of magic who obeyed the good and was not led astray by the evil supernatural being but chose the path of good and love, so the Supreme Being made this wizard an ambassador of peace and good and love.

Soon there was a big war where the heavenly bodies fought alongside with the earthly creatures the battles against good and evil of love and lust, in other words between sex and purity and power over enmity there was a lot of blood shed man against man, wizard against wizard, angel against angel while the creator of Good in fury of righteous indignation came over and stopped the battle with one awe inspiring wave of his arm.

It was then the celestial, terrestrial, beings and mankind and wizard over wizard looked at each other and they laughed, yes they laughed this supreme being creator of good also created evil and love and peace would never have existed without lust and war. As day comes into the dawn as night breaks through twilight there can never exist good without evil nor love without lust.

This supreme being made both good and evil according to his foreknowledge he knew his highest celestial being would aspire to be Him yet can never be Him. He was created for lust and enmity there can never be a perfect world. This idea dawned on the wizards at the same time as they saw their futility of perfection when there can never be perfection in a fallen world of lust and debauchery and of peace and love there was an uproar in the heavenliness when the wizards of both good and evil laughed and shook hands.Yes they were enemies yet they knew one could never exist without the other, like two sides of a coin as you flip the coin one day it is heads and the next it is tails just like there are no perfect people in this world so young ones enjoy your youth stick to your conscience and if you fall today remember tomorrow is an other day to practise doing good.

Next time you see a coin look both sides and remember one side can not exist without the other “if there is good there will also be bad”.Image

The End xxx